All Six Grandchildren

All Six Grandchildren

Monday, September 13, 2010

Letter from Columbia

I have wondered if what I am doing is of much value to anyone and if God can use it. Here is a response I received that made my day. I do thank God for his encouragement that He sends our way. I wanted to share this with you. Letter was sent via email below:

Thank you for sharing and making public your curricula for teaching kids at no charge. I am a teacher at my church in Bogota Colombia, and your web site has been very useful to help me develop a new curriculum for the little ones. I has also given me tons of ideas to work in class. If you need to translate something to Spanish let me know. I would love to do it as a way to pay you back for what you have done for our kids in Bogota (Columbia).

God bless you immensely for you generosity. Bibiana

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Helping Needy Children

Such a busy day at the hospital. Met a guest who has made 1,000 (:-O yes, that is correct) sweaters for needy kids. God impressed it on her heart to do this. She shared her story. As she was approaching middle age, she did not know what she was going to do with the rest of her life. God told her to make sweaters. She asked how many, 100? God said "no". Then she asked, 200? God said, 1,000. She has made 1,000 sweaters for these kids donating to various organization including the Indian children. She needs 3 yarns balls to make one sweater. She is presently making caps and mittens for these needy children. All the knit has been donated in order for her to do this. She has not had to purchase any herself; God has provided. If you want to donate any knit for caps and mittens, call the Hope United Methodist Church at (937)434-7095 in Centerville, Ohio. She would really appreciate it :D. She showed me something that she was working on as she sat at the beside of her husband.